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Write your name as the Coded Plan Engineer in the space below, draw the coded plan of your object below, then turn in your object and the first page to the instructor.

Coded plan example

Coded plan example

Coded Plan Engineer: ________________________________________

Coded Plan:

  1. Ask the instructor for another student’s coded plan.
  2. You are now the Sketching Engineer. Write your name as the Sketching Engineer below (note, you shouldn’t be the same person who drew the coded plan above!)
  3. In the isometric grid below, draw an isometric sketch of the object based on the coded plan shown above
  4. Also in the isometric grid below, draw a reflection of the sketch as though it were reflected across the y-z plane

Sketching Engineer: _______________________________________

Screenshot 2024-01-21 at 12.00.20 PM.png

  1. Match the physical object depicted by the coded plan to your sketch below. Turn in this page and the matching object to the instructor when complete.

Name: _______________________________________________