
ENGR 22: Engineering Graphics

Lab 10: Simulation and Engineering Analysis

Due 4/10/23, 11:59 pm

Video Tutorial

SimulationXpress Tutorial

SimulationXpress Tutorial

Overview: Open this word document on your computer. Answer the questions by typing and pasting into this document. Submit this document to Canvas to receive credit for the lab (5 points).


  1. Download the model of the Bracket from Canvas
  2. Open SimulationXpress under Tools / XpressProducts
  3. A menu will appear on the right side of your screen. Pick next.
  4. Select Add a Fixture
    1. Fix the back side of the rectangular face

  1. Pick Next and Add a Force. Fill in the ForceManager menu as follows:
    1. Select the surface of the bore at the end of the part
    2. Select Selected Direction
    3. Top plane
    4. 2000 N
    5. Reverse direction

  1. Select:
    1. Next
    2. Yes, Continue
    3. Show von Mises Stress
    4. Show Displacement