ENGR 22: Engineering Graphics

Lab 11: Drawing Views in SolidWorks + Dimensions

Due: 4/22/23, 11:59 pm

Instructions: This lab will further develop facility in visualizing three-dimensional objects and creating traditional orthogonal views, section views, and auxiliary views in SolidWorks.

Complete the following exercises using SolidWorks. Follow the instructions to complete the assignment. To submit each problem, export the drawing as a PDF and upload the PDF to Canvas. You may have to select "Resubmit assignment" to submit multiple files, but don't worry, I will see all of them.

Lab 11: Do These

Part A - Drawing in 2D Solidworks

Part B - Dimensions

Some solutions/Hints:

Video: Making a 2D Drawing sheet in Solidworks:

Part A, Problem 1

Making a 2D Drawing sheet in Solidworks

Making a 2D Drawing sheet in Solidworks

Solution: Part A, Problem 1

SOLIDWORKS Student Edition - Academic Use Only - [Part1 _] 2024-04-22 09-45-08.mp4

lab11a problem 1.pdf