This Week’s Presentation 2.12.24

^Here is this week’s slides.

Lab Problems

Do the following on graph paper.

Problem 0.1: Skim the following PDF to learn how to hand-write in standard archtitectural/engineering font (Century Gothic).

Write “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” in Century Gothic.


Problem 0: Create a full section view of the object below.


Problem 1:  Consider the following object’s front and top views. Copy the multiview in the grid provided. On your version, indicate the location of a cutting plane for the full section view. Add a sketch of the full section view in the appropriate location on the grid provided.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 7.49.01 AM.png

Problem 2: Consider the following object’s front and top views. Copy the multiview in the grid provided. On your version, indicate the location of a cutting plane for the offset section view. Add a sketch of the offset section view in the appropriate location on the grid provided.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 7.49.38 AM.png

Problem 2.5: Find any report from Engineers Without Borders